Due to recent Telegram updates, the /privacy command should now open the Privacy Policy in every bot.
Failure to open the Privacy Policy may result in your bot being suspended or terminated.
How to set up
You can set upi your privacy policy in the Legal section. To customize it, you need to do the following:
Go to bot settings and select "Legal"
Click "Yes" next to the privacy policy
Specify the text of the Policy and afterwards save the changes
The specified text will be automatically displayed on payment pages and in the bot by the /privacy command.
Terms and Conditions
If you accept payment via Telegram Stars, you also need to add Terms and Conditions, which are opened in the bot by the /terms command.
To set up, go to the "Legal" section and click "Yes" next to Terms and Conditions
Specify the desired text and save your changes
How it looks in the bot
When you write a command in the bot, you will have a button that displays your policy or terms and conditions